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My dragon story chapter 3

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My dragon story chapter 3 Empty My dragon story chapter 3

Post by ashketchumlovergirl Sat Dec 26, 2009 12:53 pm

Here's Chapter 3!! BTW, this is wicked long so just bear with me Wink

Chapter 3
“......Where.....?” Satoshi asked dazedly.

“This is my cave.” The dragon said. He walked into the dark cave. A fire was blazing in the center of the cave, tended by none other than......

“JIA!!!!!!” Satoshi shouted.

“Satoshi! Hi!” Jia said. She rushed over to hug him.

“A-are you okay? What are you doing here?” Satoshi asked while spitting out a mouthful of her silky black hair.

“I’m fine, Satoshi! Never better!” Jia said. Just then Satoshi caught sight of the girl sitting in the background. She had wavy mousy brown hair with a pink streak, and sky-blue eyes.

“J-Jia? Who-who’s that?” Satoshi asked.

“Oh! Satoshi, this is Sabrina. She’s from the United States!” Jia said. So this is what girl in the United States look like. I’d love to live there now..... Satoshi thought.

“Hi there. Jia talks about you all the time.” Sabrina said.

“.....R-really?” Satoshi asked nervously.

“Sabrina’s father is Chinese, so that’s how she knows our language.” Jia said, ignoring Satoshi.

“” Satoshi said, not really listening.

“Okay humans.....Jia and Sabrina know why we are here and why I have collected you, but Satoshi does not.” Plintafot said. “There will be much time to socialize later.”

“So why have” Satoshi asked.

“Well, the dragon world is in danger from the evil king Daeyi.....”

“Who is this Daeyi?” Satoshi interrupted.

“An evil king, I told you that already.” Plintafot said in a very annoyed tone.

“No I mean he human.....or......?” Satoshi asked.

“No, no, no, no, NO!!!!!!!!! Humans are not ordinarily in the dragon world. Daeyi is a dragon. He is trying to use the dragon dimension....”

“ didn’t say anything about a dimension!!!” Satoshi said. Plintafot sighed.

“Well, the dragon world and the human world are in alternate dimensions. They rely on each other. Neither can exist without the other, you see. It’s a symbiotic relationship.” Plintafot said. “So as I was saying.......”

“How do the human world and the dragon world rely on each other?” Satoshi asked.

“Just shut up and listen.” Jia said, elbowing Satoshi playfully in the ribs.

“So, AS I WAS SAYING.......Daeyi is trying to rally the army to take over the human world, which will result in ultimate destruction for both worlds, since the two dimensions rely on each other to survive.” Plintafot said.

“ said that Daeyi is trying to rally the army to fight for its are they supposed to travel to this dimension?” Satoshi asked.

“FINALLY! A good question. Well, there are a few dimensional holes in a few places on Earth and they open up into places in the dragon dimension. Like the Bermuda Triangle for instance.” Plintafot said.

“Well, how do they work?” Satoshi asked.

“You jump into them.” Plintafot said as though he was trying to explain to a stubborn toddler that two-plus-two equals four.

“......I mean like how are you supposed to travel through them and not get harmed.” Satoshi said.

“Well, that is Daeyi’s problem. Dragons cannot travel through the holes as well as humans can. There is something about our composition that does not handle travel through dimensions very well.” Plintafot said.

“So how did you get here then?” Satoshi asked. Plintafot winced.

“I was banished.” Plintafot said.

“Well, if you were banished, how did you get here without getting hurt?” Satoshi asked.

“Well, I was hurt. Very badly. My intestines were all twisted the wrong way, my heart was beating very irregularly, I couldn’t breathe very well, and I had broken nearly all of my teeth.” Plintafot said. Satoshi’s stomach lurched.

“But how did you survive?” Satoshi asked.

“My will to survive kept me alive. And the care of a very friendly panda bear.” Plintafot said. Must’ve been a brave panda bear, Satoshi thought. “But anyways, that is why I have collected you. So that you can travel through the dimensional hole and help defeat Daeyi and his army.”

“How are we supposed to defeat an army of dragons?” Satoshi asked.

“Oh, I’m sure you will find a way.” Plintafot said.

“So that’s what you’re doing????? You’re telling us, ‘Oh, come into this dragon dimension and possibly get yourself killed, but it’s for the greater good. Good luck!’???” Satoshi asked.

“That’s exactly what I’m doing.” Plintafot said. “Do you have a problem with that?”

“Of course I have a problem with that!!!!!” Satoshi spluttered. “Listen, my life can be pretty miserable sometimes. But I value it. I’m not gonna go storming into an army of dragons just to save your stupid world.”

“Have you listened to anything I said??? It is a symbiotic relationship. If the dragon world gets destroyed, so does the human world. Live together, die together, whatever happens, the worlds are together. If you turn your back on me now, you’ll be turning your back on the entire human race.” Plintafot said.

“Why don’t you get some other person to do it?? I don’t have superpowers or anything, why would you choose me?” Satoshi asked.

“Fate sometimes makes curious choices. But it is always for the greater good. Fate seems to have picked you three for the journey. Jia, you are like water, calm and peaceful. Sabrina, you are like grass, loyal and true. Satoshi, you are like fire, courageous and strong. Combine those three elements and......”

“I’m not courageous and strong!” Satoshi said. “I’m an ordinary kid!”

“You seriously underestimate yourself. As difficult as it is, if I squint, I can see a sparkle of heroism in you. If you walk down the right path, you may be able to tend that sparkle, feed it, grow it, until it is a blazing bonfire that can take anything down, even a full-grown dragon.” Plintafot said.

“And you’re saying that the path leading to certain death is the right path to go down to tend my ‘spark of heroism’????” Satoshi said.

“It is only the path of certain death if you believe it is the path of certain death.” Plintafot said.

“Satoshi! Plintafot isn’t the only one who can see the sparkle of heroism in you....I can see it too. When you went into the woods to rescue me........that took great courage.” Jia said.

“It wasn’t courage.” Satoshi said disdainfully. “It was dependence. I need you to survive school. You have no idea how terrible today was without you.”

“It was courage.” Plintafot disagreed. “You may need Jia to survive school, but you may have died out there looking for her, considering if I wasn’t there.”

“Thanks a bunch. That makes me feel so much better.” Satoshi said sarcastically.

“But that’s beside the point. It is almost morning. You should get some sleep. I’ll take you into the dimensional hole tomorrow.” Plintafot said.

“But.......but.....don’t I have a choice?” Satoshi asked.

“No.” Plintafot said bluntly. Jia squeezed Satoshi’s arm to tell him to not retaliate. “Good night, humans.” He said and curled up next to the fire.

“Good night Plintafot.” Jia said and lay down on a soft mat. That left Satoshi and Sabrina together.

“Um.....uh......” Satoshi said.

“How could you? How could you just drop out when this world needs you? Plintafot was right when he said fate makes curious choices.” Sabrina snapped. She then turned on her heel and walked towards the mats with an elegant grace. Satoshi stood, stunned at her words.

She’s right you know, the voice in his head said.

Okay, back to my original question. Who are you?? Satoshi asked.

Your conscience. And I’m telling you to do it. Go into the dimensional hole and save the worlds. The voice said.

Yeah, okay. I mean what are you? Satoshi thought.

Fine. I’m your guardian dragon. You happy now? The voice said. what?? Satoshi thought.

Your guardian dragon. Each person on the planet earth has one, but most people don’t know it. The voice said.

How come.....? Satoshi asked.

Well, guardian dragons are composed differently than the big dragons, so we can travel back and forth between the two worlds. The voice said. you have a name? And how come I can’t see you? Satoshi asked.

You can’t see me because I have not decided to materialize in front of you. And my name is Lorig. I’m tired, so I’ll explain more in the morning. The voice said.

Okay. Satoshi thought bitterly and laid down on one of the mats. Within minutes, he was asleep.

Female Location : In your head!
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My dragon story chapter 3 Empty Re: My dragon story chapter 3

Post by Moshda Tue Dec 29, 2009 12:23 pm

Hmm, this chapter seems to start out with a yelling match between Plintafot and Satoshi... maybe you could make Plintafot a little more... well less waspish, you know what I mean? He's supposed to be a powerful dragon but he's snapping at Satoshi like some grumpy old lady :p Which kinda destroys the magestic image you'd painted of Plintafot earlier.

Female Location : USA
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