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chap4 Empty chap4

Post by ashketchumlovergirl Wed May 12, 2010 2:03 pm

Chapter Four...this one's short XD
Richard silently walked down the hall with Dawn next to him.

“This is an interesting place. Did you build it?” Dawn asked.

“It’s a hollow tree.” Richard said.

“A hollow tree??? Must be really big.” Dawn said, running her hand along the wall.

“Oh, it is.” Richard said, nodding. He decided he liked Dawn. She was friendly and easy to talk to. Not to mention pretty. He was somewhat worried about what would happen if she was sent into battle, though. She also seemed pretty trusting, and he was afraid that she might start trusting the wrong kind of people. Not that anyone in the tree was untruthful. No way.

“Whoa!” Dawn said as she reached the main hollow. Richard smiled inwardly. “This room is humongous!! I daresay it’s bigger than the state building!”

“The state building?” Richard asked quizzically.

“It’s a building where the government of the state works.” Dawn said.

“Sort of like a castle?” Richard asked.

“Sort of.” Dawn said. Richard caught Viktor motioning to Dawn.

“Viktor Laqueur wants to see you.” Richard said, nudging Dawn.

“He’s creepy.” Dawn muttered.

“It seems that way at first.” Richard said. Dawn sighed and walked over to him. Richard stared after her, smiling.

“You two hit it off, I see.” A voice behind Richard said. Richard jumped and saw Edmund standing behind him, taking a drink of his bottle of beer.

“Please, no wisecracks, okay?” Richard muttered.

“You liiiiike her, don’t you?” Edmund said, elbowing Richard.

“Stop it! And I just met her, that’s ridiculous that you would assume that.” Richard said, crossing his arms and giving Edmund a glare.

“Oh puh-leeze. Ever heard of love at first sight?” Edmund said, ignoring the glare Richard was giving him.

“Would you shut up?” Richard said, his face starting to turn a light pink.

“You’re blushing!” Edmund said. By now, Richard sorely wanted to wring Edmund’s neck.

“I don’t like her like her, okay? Just as a friend. Now stop embarrassing me!” Richard hissed.

“Richard and Dawn, sitting in a tree....” Edmund whispered in Richard’s ear. It was taking all of Richard’s self-control not to punch him in the face.

“Everyone, calm down!” Viktor Laqueur banged a spoon against a glass. The room quieted. “The one with aura is finally here. Dawn, welcome to the RI.” A round of rowdy applause and whistles went through the room. Dawn smiled and bowed shyly.

“Richard, since you are the only one her age, you shall teach her our ways and teach her to fight. You will also train her to refine her aura skills. Althar will help you with that part.” Viktor said. Richard grinned, and another round of applause filled the room.

“You look a bit too happy to take on that job.” Edward whispered to him. Richard decided to ignore him.

“She will be staying in the girl’s barracks.” Viktor said. “Aunt Goody, will you please help find her some.....proper clothes?”

“Of course.” Aunt Goody said. “Don’t worry honey, you’re in good hands.” She came up to Dawn and took her away down the tunnel to the girl’s barracks.

“Okay, everyone is dismissed.” Viktor said. Richard got off the bench and walked down to the tunnel to the girl’s barracks to wait for Dawn to come out.

Female Location : In your head!
Posts : 32

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